Tuesday, 05 April 2011 10:17

Circular by which the Ilinden Uprising was proclaimed

Written by  Home of Macedonian Culture


  • PERIOD / EPOCH: First half of the twentieth century
  • ORIGINAL TITLE: Circular by which the Ilinden Uprising was proclaimed
  • CATEGORY: Ideological Declarations

  • DATE: July 28th, 1903
  • AUTHOR(S):


15th (28th, New Style) July 1903

Main Headquarters of the
Second Macedonian Revolutionary
Region "Pobedonosec" peak
15th July 1903 [1]

To the central and village
leaders and the people


Finally the day has arrived we have awaited so long, to settle accounts with our perennial enemy! The blood of our brothers unjustly killed by Turkish tyranny is loudly calling us to seek the payment of our debts! The disgraced honour of our mothers and sisters needs to be repaired!

There has been enough suffering, enough shame! Death is a thousand times better than a shameful and beastly life!

The day fixed, when the people of the whole of Macedonia should come out publicily with arms in their hands against our foe, is Illinden - 20th July 1903. On that day, brothers, follow your officers and gather under the banner of freedom! You must persist in the struggle, brothers! Only in a determined and long struggle lies our salvation!

Down with the Turkey! Down with tyranny! Death to the enemy!

Long live the people! Long live freedom! Hurrah!

We kiss you as brothers
The Headquarters
Texto en griego


In accordance with the decisions of the Smilevo Congress of May 1903, the Headquarters was given the right to determine the date of the uprising. It decided seven days before the uprising in the village of Buf (the Lerin region) thet it should be proclaimed on Ilinden (St. Elias´s Day), i.e. 2nd August 1903. The Central Committee in Salonika and the External Representative Office of the Organization in Sofia were informed by fast couriers through the Bitola region. The circular proclaiming the Ilinden Uprising is here given in its integral and original form.
 [1] The date is according to the Old Style.

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